Welcome to SiteSuperCharger – our unique software we built to manage everything from landing pages to social media updates! Our client portal is ready; below are instructions for setting up your account.  If you run into issues please call us at 979-314-7067 or email help@mheroes.com

  1. After Marketing Heroes sets up your account, you will get an email from info@sitesupercharger.com with the subject “New Account Created” – check your junk mail in case it goes there. step_1
  2.  The email will include your username and a link to set up your passwordstep_2
  3. Click on the link to set your password. You will prompted to enter your username (screen will say Forgot Password)step_3
  4. You will then get another email from info@sitesupercharger.com with the subject “Reset Password” step_5
  5. Click on the link to reset your passwordPassword must contain:
    1 number
    1 capital letter
    1 lowercase letter
    1 special character – ! @ # $ % & * ( )
  6. Hit Set Password and you will be prompted to log in step_8
  7. You’re all set! You will see a screen with your approvals for the Writers Guild, 5 Minute Social Media Manager (5MS2M) and Uber Posts


Using 5 Minute Social Media Manager

Using Writers Guild