At the base of every small business owner’s digital marketing plan is the need to establish that business as a trustworthy, reputable company.

Reputation, and the trust that it builds, are everything in a competitive market.

No matter how much money an entrepreneur spends on their marketing to improve their SEO, without a favorable reputation in their community, it can all be for naught.

Learn more about the importance of trust in digital marketing, and why reputation-building can help small business owners build their companies faster by reading more below.

Digital Marketing Is Nothing Without A Positive Reputation

Every business owner surely knows by now that digital marketing is an essential need for raising awareness of their brand and growing their business.

Still, many become frustrated when they don’t receive the results they expect after investing in an SEO and marketing strategy.

Often, this lack of marketing results stems from not paying enough attention to reputation building and developing customer trust within their service area.

Although it may not seem related, customer trust and positive reputation are directly related to the results business owners get from their investments in marketing.

Quite simply, without the former, entrepreneurs will spend more on the latter, receiving less for their digital marketing buck.

Google Rewards Trust With Better SEO Results

The emphasis on reputation building and business trust is rooted in how Google treats different businesses based on their algorithmic and public approval.

In its efforts to serve top quality and relevant content to searchers, Google now relies more and more on business trustworthiness and its positive reputation.

Naturally, every local business owner hopes to win the accolades of every customer they serve, but it is other factors in their digital marketing strategy that can help achieve that so that Google regards the business as respected.

Some of the crucial ways for business owners to demonstrate that is with an SEO-optimized website, publishing high-quality and relevant content that engages readers, and seeking out reviews and testimonials, all of which allow the search algorithm to interpret all of that public trust.

Watch and Learn In This Helpful Digital Marketing Podcast

To turn things around a little, this week Chris from Marketing Heroes is himself hosted by Jonathan Mast of the 91-Day Success Podcast, where they talk about digital marketing in 2024, why good reputation and trust are so important for small business owners to build competitive companies in their local markets, and how to achieve that.

Achieve Marketing Success By Establishing Good Trust

Today, every business owner needs to invest in digital marketing to ensure they can reach the customers in their community who are searching for them in the places where they search.

To get the most from every dollar invested in SEO marketing and build their companies, business owners must also learn what strategies build trust - both from the customer and the search algorithm - and focus on those.

From having an optimized and effective website as well as publishing valuable content to engage the public with social media and seeking reviews and other marks of customer approval, building a company’s reputation and trustworthiness are essential for not just word-of-mouth recommendation, but Google recommendation as well.

Learn more about digital marketing for small businesses by watching the video and then contact Chris at Marketing Heroes by scheduling a free marketing call today.

And do not forget to get a free copy of Chris’ book, “The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing,” by clicking here!

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