A functional and attractive website includes many perfectly executed ideas and well-designed elements. Although it may seem obvious, pictures can be an important part of any website – as long as they are correctly handled. The best SEO consultants in College Station Texas encourage using images on websites; however, but they warn that graphics must be done well or they will send viewers away from a website rather than attracting them.

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

People like imagery; whether it is in the form of photographs, graphics, or other visuals, images grab a viewer’s attention usually better than words. Some people are exceptionally visual, and get more out of photos on a website than accompanying words. SEO Consultants in College Station TX suggest the perfect website should have a good balance of text and effective images for the greatest impact.

Use Images Effectively on Websites

Since images are so important to website navigation, College Station TX SEO consultants point out the importance of using imagery, even on mostly text-based and informational in nature websites. Photos and images serve an important role; they can help viewers understand a concept, create a desired emotional response, act as a website guide to follow from page to page, and help viewers remember what they saw and read.

Most importantly, College Station TX SEO consultants explain to clients that images can influence viewer reactions and impact purchasing decisions. This is evident in how a website that includes good, clear photos of products tends to make more sales than those e-commerce websites that do not.

Use Only High Quality Images

Considering the importance of website photos and images, it stands to reason that the quality of those images must be the best possible. The SEO specialists in College Station TX suggest pictures attract viewers and help explain a message, while poor-quality pictures do the exact opposite, leaving viewers confused, distracted, or even disgusted with such inferior quality images. Images achieve their planned purposes when they are:

  • Large enough to be viewable without overwhelming the page;

  • Of high resolution to be clear.

  • In focus to easily portray it’s meaning.

  • Fast loading by being sized correctly.

By providing quality images that do not detract from the website or make it difficult to use, viewers are more interested in what they see, understand it better, and can better remember it as well.

To get the best results from a website, it must be designed and function to please and attract users. The best SEO consultants in College Station Texas understand the delicate balance and importance of using pictures to support other web content. The right pictures can make a positive difference in the performance of any website!

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